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Log In : im going crazy from lsd : be careful how much you take throughout your life : i have tripped over 30 times but no more than 45. and im losing it. : bye. : hello : hello : hello : is anyone here : hi :) : i am here : me too : yall trippin now? : Chat Hour is completely retarded. : No one is here at any given time. : See all those posts above me? : Heaven knows how long ago someone wrote those. : Anyways, happy tripping. : I brushed aside everything born out of human thought. Everything they told me falsified me. And what you are trying to get you can never get, because there is nothing to get.What you : is there anyone who think the same.....?`? : ?? : .... : llll : hiiiii : so happy : :) : sup : helllo! : hii : hello : um hello? : hi : i cant believe there are actually people using lsd and just chatting.... : hey i'm lost how do i find my way back
    EricakaAlice : hi
    bltwssr : yo
    bltwssr : guys
    bltwssr : I need some lsd tonight can anyone help : bltwssr I can : not tonight : but i can get it to you : can anyone get lsd in sydney : wickr darknessfallz
    edog1245 has just logged in : hey : hey guys will storing blotters in an amber glass vitamin bottle along with a misture pack : be good? : they are touching the moist pak is all im worried about