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    demonwithalonlysoul : never leave me alone please
    demonwithalonlysoul : because you are the only 1 i can really trust
    RebirthofaKing : fine..... -.-
    demonwithalonlysoul : never betray me
    RebirthofaKing : -grins wickedly.- NIPPLESTHEeNCHILADA!!!
    RebirthofaKing : c:
    RebirthofaKing : C:
    demonwithalonlysoul : lol
    demonwithalonlysoul : i sow it
    RebirthofaKing : NO ELISE!!! WE'RE DOING IT!!
    demonwithalonlysoul : lol
    RebirthofaKing : FUS-ION-TA.
    demonwithalonlysoul : yea lol
    RebirthofaKing has just logged out
    demonwithalonlysoul : lol
    demonwithalonlysoul : hmm
    demonwithalonlysoul has just logged in
    demonwithalonlysoul : akira no
    demonwithalonlysoul : git out of my acount
    demonwithalonlysoul : dont git in it unless i say you can
    demonwithalonlysoul : have to delete some of your chatrooms. -.-
    demonwithalonlysoul : why
    demonwithalonlysoul : i use them
    demonwithalonlysoul : theirs too many. >.<
    demonwithalonlysoul : please git out of my acount
    demonwithalonlysoul : demon101 .... demon666?
    demonwithalonlysoul : i use those to teach
    demonwithalonlysoul : demon..,,at least delete those 2?
    demonwithalonlysoul : okay
    demonwithalonlysoul : cause.
    demonwithalonlysoul : i will
    demonwithalonlysoul : k.
    demonwithalonlysoul : will you do it
    demonwithalonlysoul : k
    demonwithalonlysoul : now akira git out
    demonwithalonlysoul : i did. and don't TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!!! SHESH
    demonwithalonlysoul has just logged out
    demonwithalonlysoul : k
    RebirthofaKing has just logged in
    RebirthofaKing : -.-
    RebirthofaKing : I'M SO FUCKING BORED!!!
    RebirthofaKing : Dx fuck.
    RebirthofaKing : AGH...
    demonwithalonlysoul : lol
    RebirthofaKing : Dx
    demonwithalonlysoul : come see my fight
    RebirthofaKing : i'm serious,
    RebirthofaKing : sure. -.- : I