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    nigggers : beastiality doesnt mean fucking animals
    nigggers : also ur right tigler gays are part of the world
    Tigler : and just because your a furry doesnt mean your into beastiality
    Canis4lupus : yes it does
    Canis4lupus : no it dosn't
    Canis4lupus : sorry
    Canis4lupus : trying to go between chats
    Tigler : hell a person into comicon could like beastiality
    nigggers : lol i was wondering there for a sec
    nigggers : yes anyone could but we are talking specifically of the furry community
    Tigler : but its not all that furries are and i didnt deny that it doenst exist
    nigggers : but you say they are a minority
    Canis4lupus : ^^
    Tigler : indeed
    nigggers : if they are a minority then why does the majority of furry sites show images that are such
    Tigler : but there is no way to show that no actual servey no real way to tell
    Tigler : your looking at the wrong ones
    Tigler : have you EVER seen a nude furry
    nigggers : would you say this chat is beastiality free?
    nigggers : and yes
    Tigler : HELL NO its not
    Canis4lupus : well we don't talk bout fucking animals all the time
    nigggers : if you google image furry art that is the majority of the images
    Tigler : but then again there is no way to tell
    Canis4lupus : uhg i understand your point of the argument nigger
    nigggers : almost every time i logg on when i am not signed in i see cybering
    nigggers : i am not denying that non-beastial furries exist im just saying that they are a very small minority, at leas
    nigggers : t as far as i can tell
    Tigler : wait cybering?
    nigggers : as in pretending to be animals fucking each other online
    Tigler : and what does it matter
    Tigler : is there any actual point in debateing everyone elses argument for them
    nigggers : furries seem to be very beastial in private but when an outsider come in they deny it all
    Tigler : i think if anything we should leave it as most of us dont watch this shit and some do
    Tigler : porn is bad anyway but no its not beastiality
    nigggers : see it seems just the opposite to me tho
    Tigler : UNLESS there is an actual photo of a real animal in a sexual act
    nigggers : 90% of furry chats i have logged into they are cybering until they realize i am there
    Tigler : do you wear work clothes to school
    nigggers : no?
    Tigler : so you arent a shameless bastard
    Tigler : and niether are most of us
    Tigler : we experience shame
    nigggers : i have to go now but perhaps we can continue this another time
    Tigler : and so we dont let outsiders have an off opinion on us
    Tigler : yes i will send you a friend invite
    nigggers : already did :)
    nigggers : duces
    Tigler : indeed