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    BradOlson : Tim, thanks for giving fans the great music
    TimMcGraw : No prob bo! I do my best!
    TimMcGraw : Thank you to the fans for supporting me!
    BradOlson : You're welcome.
    BradOlson : BTW, I have seen that Big Machine will release your new album on LP as well as CD
    TimMcGraw : I guess everyone else is "signing up". Can just guest be in one of the chat rooms or do you got to be
    TimMcGraw : logged in to chat?
    BradOlson : You have to be logged in
    TimMcGraw : Dang. I just might have to start a new chat. Some people don't like having to do this.
    BradOlson : I know
    TimMcGraw : Well my man I am going to go signup for a new chat. I will post a like back on facebook for you to find the
    BradOlson : ChatBoat doesn't require registration according to the banner ad
    TimMcGraw : new one!
    indyRosser has just logged in
    BradOlson : Hi Indy
    indyRosser : GerDay
    indyRosser : I had no idea how to get in here! I could see y'all worrying about no others in here!
    BradOlson : That's because many people do not like registration
    indyRosser : I didn't mind registering - just the process was convaluted! LOL
    BradOlson : I figured out the registration form right away
    indyRosser : That was OK. Took a momengt to work out how to get rid of those unnecessary boxes! I don't do
    indyRosser : chat as a rule!
    BradOlson : More people do prefer the social networking sites these days
    indyRosser : Hahahahahaha! Normally I am DRIVING so typing ain't gonna happen! LOL
    BradOlson : Besides Tim, what other artists do you enjoy listening to the music of?
    indyRosser : You blokes probably won't like the answer! I like old farts and Jackass music! LOL
    BradOlson : I love the country classics as well
    BradOlson : and even lots of jazz, blues, folk, classic rock and roll and more
    indyRosser : MOST of it died along with Waylon and J R Cash for mine! I like a bit of modern stuff - just think it is
    indyRosser : sometimes miscatagorised ...... here in Oz we have a lot of what you might call folsy country.
    indyRosser : Folksy country, even
    BradOlson : I love that type of stuff as well
    indyRosser : Hard to get a lot of it on terrestrial radio, though, eh?
    BradOlson : yep and BTW, I work at a terrestrial radio station playing country classics and the current country hits
    indyRosser : :-)
    BradOlson : if you have a satellite radio service, subscribe to it or at home, get an WiFi Internet Radio device
    indyRosser : Mostly here we get ummmmmm what I call ghetto music ... which amuses me coz we don't have
    indyRosser : a single ghetto in the country and the lyrics are just totally irrelevant to the people who "think it's
    indyRosser : "kool"! LOL
    BradOlson : and you can even get streams on these devices devoted to OTR, folk music, jazz, psychedelic rock, etc.
    indyRosser : Our market is too small for satellite radio as far as I can make out!
    BradOlson : get a WiFi Internet Radio device
    indyRosser : To my knowledge we don't have any! We DO have an amazing (although ridiculously expensive)
    indyRosser : wireless internet. I never lose signal hardly anywhere and I listen to internet radio a bit!
    indyRosser : The CO$T though is around $100/month for 12 Gig of throughput EITHER way!
    indyRosser : That's what ya get for a small market!
    indyRosser : Anyway - I best go be productive! It is ridiculous O'Clock here and I have much to achieve!
    BradOlson : TTYL
    BradOlson has just logged out