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    Meiji : Though none of them are worth RPing with.
    Ellabellesan : Alright, sorry i'd talk to you too, but i just can't keep up XD
    Meiji : I understand. You have fun.
    Meiji : Btw, practice typing with people who are fast anyway.
    Meiji : Slow people only slow you down.
    Meiji : I'll be in the anime chat if you ever feel like chattin'. Later.
    Ellabellesan : alright, ttyl
    ozart : hello bitch you hurt animalboyz I saw your real photo you ugly in rea life
    ozart : this only a chatroom should say sorry to my friend ok I will kill you
    Sirgreen08 : Ho ya
    Sirgreen08 : Oh no ones in here lol
    Oichi2komikouchiha : s
    Oichi2komikouchiha : asd
    Oichi2komikouchiha : 3
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ewr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : wer
    Oichi2komikouchiha : we
    Oichi2komikouchiha : r
    Oichi2komikouchiha : wr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ewr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : we
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : rrr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : er
    Oichi2komikouchiha : we
    Oichi2komikouchiha : r
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : eee
    Oichi2komikouchiha : wwwwwwwwwwewr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : wer
    Oichi2komikouchiha : ewr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : we
    Oichi2komikouchiha : werrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    Oichi2komikouchiha : wer
    NekoTheHood : *floats into the room*
    Ellabellesan has just logged out
    Ellabellesan has just logged in
    Cinereo : ...
    Ellabellesan has just logged out
    shlogg : hi
    shlogg : Hello