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    LostWallet : l saw this all many times, ricky
    LostWallet : people are lazy
    goodaym8 : It's looking a bit sad
    Ricky1984 : ok lost lets plan how do we get mor ppl here
    LostWallet : we should hack the site, lol
    Ricky1984 : good we need you lol you a woman men follow woman lol wink
    LostWallet : and make our room the default
    goodaym8 : lol....hacking will get you kicked out I' sure
    Ricky1984 : lol lost ask your friends to come
    LostWallet : so eevrybody would come in here
    Ricky1984 : good do you still flaunt what mama gave you ?
    goodaym8 : Men follow men too ;)
    Ricky1984 : crash the main chat that could work
    LostWallet : lol @ mama
    Ricky1984 : good thats not the knid of men we looking for
    LostWallet : as l said main room is the default room
    goodaym8 : I know....perhaps bad joke
    LostWallet : you end up ther if you do not choose specifically a different one
    Ricky1984 : good pretty pleas ill give you a boer wors roll when you in jhb
    Ricky1984 : lost you have any pics of you in your teens at attracket the woman
    LostWallet : l am and was ugly, ricky
    Ricky1984 : brb i got a idea
    goodaym8 : ok fellas this is the first chat room I have ever been to
    goodaym8 : and is seems it may be made just for the two of ye
    LostWallet : no girl will be impressed by my pics
    goodaym8 : lol
    Ricky1984 : lost then we have no other way but to lie brb
    LostWallet : it won't work, ricky
    LostWallet : sismis created a group in face nbook
    LostWallet : and it worked for quite a time
    LostWallet : that's teh best way
    LostWallet : you have cam there , even
    Ricky1984 : lost on fb i have like 30 friends
    Ricky1984 : good you here
    LostWallet : and voice
    Ricky1984 : wow the room is so full i cant find you
    LostWallet : l erased my facebook account
    LostWallet : gulp
    Ricky1984 : lets hack in kim kardash account she has like 10 or 15 million followers
    LostWallet : she has something we do not
    Ricky1984 : lost lets go back we failed big time
    LostWallet : ok
    Ricky1984 : jip her own pron dvd collection
    goodaym8 : ok fellas it was fun watching you jibber jabber
    goodaym8 : gotta go
    goodaym8 : good luck with your chat room
    Ricky1984 : ok good enjoy we tried
    Ricky1984 : thanks good
    Ricky1984 : lost lets go