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    Katrinalovesyou : hi i am from brisbane
    shyguy15 : okey dokey
    shyguy15 : so, what is your skype?
    Katrinalovesyou : hold on i check to see if my skype works
    shyguy15 : sure
    shyguy15 : working?
    shyguy15 : ...
    shyguy15 : gooooooodbye
    shyguy15 : skype: cubeified
    shyguy15 has just logged out
    Katrinalovesyou : yes it is
    shyguy15 : ok good
    Katrinalovesyou : katrina.maguire7 okay
    shyguy15 : ok
    Katrinalovesyou : but i have to download the app
    shyguy15 : sure, i just added you
    Katrinalovesyou : okay cool
    shyguy15 : how long will it take?
    Katrinalovesyou : wat do u look like i may look young do u have a camrea
    Katrinalovesyou : so i can see u
    shyguy15 : no sorry, i don't have a camera, I promise i'm not a pedo
    shyguy15 : lol
    Katrinalovesyou : lol
    Katrinalovesyou : i will send u a pic of me on skype and i am short
    shyguy15 : ok
    Katrinalovesyou : do u have kik
    Katrinalovesyou : i used to
    shyguy15 : kik?
    Katrinalovesyou : dont worry .
    shyguy15 : no, what is it?
    shyguy15 : messenger thingy
    shyguy15 has just logged out
    shyguy15 : come on lets do skype
    Katrinalovesyou : sorry it is still loading
    shyguy15 : ok thats fine
    shyguy15 : how far away, from loading?
    shyguy15 : i'll see you on skype
    shyguy15 : talk to you i mean
    shyguy15 has just logged out
    Katrinalovesyou : hi iam sorry it is taking so long
    shyguy15 : it's alright, not your fault
    Katrinalovesyou : okay it is loaded now
    shyguy15 : awesome
    shyguy15 : got my request?
    Katrinalovesyou : no i did not wat is your name
    shyguy15 : cubeified
    shyguy15 : just add me
    shyguy15 has just logged out