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    BladeBrute : hello
    BladeBrute : so do you wanna set the scene for the rp
    NaturallyKingdom : War going on
    BladeBrute : wht kinda war
    NaturallyKingdom : Humans vs. Demons
    BladeBrute : go on
    BladeBrute : or is it humainity vs demons
    BladeBrute : humainity would include people who want to help the humans
    NaturallyKingdom : humantity vs. demons
    BladeBrute : and humans
    NaturallyKingdom : I am human
    BladeBrute : wht kind of human
    NaturallyKingdom : Regular
    BladeBrute has just logged out
    BladeBrute has just logged in
    NaturallyKingdom : Martial Arts and Samuri
    BladeBrute : so do you want me to be onbe like a war prisonner your team or
    BladeBrute : *do you want me to be on your team or be like a war prisonner
    NaturallyKingdom : war prisoner
    BladeBrute : ok am i wounded
    NaturallyKingdom : *notices you from a far*
    BladeBrute : looks up and glares at you with hate
    NaturallyKingdom : What are you staring at demon?
    BladeBrute : -we started right-
    NaturallyKingdom : -yes-
    BladeBrute : -nvm tht message-
    NaturallyKingdom : What are you staring at demon
    BladeBrute : no not starring imagining, im thinking of when im getting out of here how im going to kill your leader
    BladeBrute : maim your families and burn your skin
    NaturallyKingdom : *smiles* I don't have family and I reallu could careless. I was taken captive to have babies
    BladeBrute : -grolws as the guards walk in the room-
    NaturallyKingdom : -screams as they drag me away- Help me...-faints-
    BladeBrute : -right now im in my demon form you can see a pic of it on my full profle
    NaturallyKingdom : okay
    NaturallyKingdom : i saw
    BladeBrute : guards walk back to me attach the chains to the chair then leave the room
    NaturallyKingdom : -screams loud-
    BladeBrute : -do you want me to act as a guard or youll do it your self
    NaturallyKingdom : you act as a guard
    BladeBrute : ok but you act as guard for me when im my self
    NaturallyKingdom : okay
    BladeBrute : quiet prisonner -smackes head you passe out again
    BladeBrute : *smacks
    BladeBrute : *pass
    NaturallyKingdom : -looks up from the ground-
    BladeBrute : -spotlight shines in your eyes
    BladeBrute : wake up prisoner -door opens 2 men and another woman enters
    BladeBrute : -well?-
    BladeBrute : ima go ill be on tomorro check dias place or here at like 12