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    sameetbaral007 : hi eva
    sameetbaral007 : i am male here
    sameetbaral007 : skype user name =sameetbaral007
    chathour : sameetbaral007 has been banned from this chat room.
    Silkyjohnson92 : hi
    Evaa101 : hello
    Evaa101 : have you seen the movie chatroom?
    Logan14years : hi
    Evaa101 : have you seen the movie chatroom logan?
    Logan14years : no
    chathour : shadyhamza has been banned from this chat room.
    Logan14years : u single
    chathour : Logan14years has been banned from this chat room.
    chathour : Silkyjohnson92 has been banned from this chat room.
    chathour : spoon19 has been banned from this chat room.
    Evaa101 : UGH : hey : Hey : why the hell is there a chelsea teen chatroom? has anyone even seen the movie?
    ChatroomRuinedMe : Hey : i see the film : xxx : hey : Hey : hello : fuck bitches get money : what what in the butt : I didn't think there was an actual chatroom based off the movie ! Cool.
    CreepXGirl : hey : hi : hello : Hii : Hi, I'm Willaim. : Has anyone seen Jim? : Emily? : I'm recovering self harm and depression... : And I forgot to tell you... : I'm dead. : hello. : hi? : anyone... : i need friends. : i'm so lonely... : nm,
    Acacia4 : Hii : hello : where is william : hi : i am jim