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    monolafta : Arabic, but I have a candy company that i started, so i am not sure what direction i will go
    prettytoeswebcam : i would let you view my webcam but i just got out of the pool with my little one and well you
    prettytoeswebcam : would run screaming from your screen
    prettytoeswebcam : lol
    prettytoeswebcam : mmmmm... what kind of candy
    monolafta : haha, probably not, i have yet to take a shower this morning
    prettytoeswebcam : you should send me some and ill let you know if your doing it
    monolafta : and i have a specialty of what ever flavor of hard candy you want but i can make most
    monolafta : I have yet to mail any, so maybe i should
    prettytoeswebcam : are you being a smart ass or are you serious "hard candy"
    monolafta : :)
    prettytoeswebcam : hahaha
    prettytoeswebcam : no shower yet?? its 2pm
    monolafta : no seriously, i make hard candy as my specialty
    prettytoeswebcam : oh wait your a couple hours behind us
    monolafta : it is noon here
    monolafta : lol
    prettytoeswebcam : what kind of hard candy
    monolafta : i've been lazy today
    prettytoeswebcam : me too dont worry i took a shower at 2am with hubby and then he went to work and ive been
    monolafta : well i guess i could make lolly pops, but i cut them into squares
    prettytoeswebcam : lazy all day
    prettytoeswebcam : went swimming with the lil man next door and picked up some breakfast this am but thats it
    prettytoeswebcam : thatscool a square lollipop
    monolafta : you've done more today than i have, lol
    prettytoeswebcam : you never know it could be the next $1M fad
    monolafta : and yup, i love sugar so i figured i could make some money off it :D
    prettytoeswebcam : whats your name btw
    monolafta : Geoff, yours?
    prettytoeswebcam : Nichole
    monolafta : good to meet you :)
    monolafta : theoretically
    prettytoeswebcam : those tornaos are some crazy shit dont ya think
    monolafta : I lived in Nebraska for a while so it seems to me like dumb luck
    prettytoeswebcam : dumb luck.. lol
    prettytoeswebcam : i would never voluntarily live in an area known for that
    monolafta : i was just a kid, i didn't either, lol
    prettytoeswebcam : lol
    prettytoeswebcam : you can message me on fb if you would like
    prettytoeswebcam : and clean my house before my husband gets home
    monolafta : but the fact that so many people died is pretty bad
    prettytoeswebcam : my fb name is Nichole Pulver
    monolafta : i am not sure i can clean your house but FB is acceptable, lol
    prettytoeswebcam : 24 confirmed dead right now by the medical examiner
    prettytoeswebcam : at least thats all the bodies they are holding if there are more they have not been confirmed
    prettytoeswebcam : i meanst i have to get off here to clean my house b4 my husband gets home
    monolafta : ah okay, lol
    prettytoeswebcam : ill look for your request illl talk to you later
    monolafta : and i can't find you, do you have the site adress