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    Pinkstockings : ,
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    Pinkstockings : f
    Pinkstockings : hi
    TexDarksight : I came here to aqkwardly watch.. is that okay?
    Pinkstockings : Well you're the only one here
    Pinkstockings : So you're probably noy just gonna watch
    TexDarksight : Heheh i wasn't going to anyway
    Pinkstockings : Oh Dark Souls picture, I already love you
    TexDarksight : No stop loving me!
    Pinkstockings : hang on one minute darling
    Pinkstockings : *goes into my closet and comes out in a pink shirt, black skirt and pink thigh high socks*
    Pinkstockings : *swishes my tail and spins around*
    TexDarksight : Ahem... so im gonna leave now
    Pinkstockings : What? You;re leaving? =[
    TexDarksight : Yeah...
    KokoroBunneh01 : WAM BAM PURPPPPPLE HAM
    PamelaJaydee : Lol @this gay sex......
    PamelaJaydee : OMG
    LovelyEspeon : ._.
    KokoroBunneh01 : o.o'
    KokoroBunneh01 : wtf?
    nyx1216 : um...i came to see what all the fuss was about...oh my good God
    KokoroBunneh01 : xDDD
    LovelyEspeon : Lol
    LovelyEspeon : ^ traumatized
    LovelyEspeon : xDDD
    nyx1216 : Actually no, just not expecting the people on the "friendly" chat room to be right and also very rude
    KokoroBunneh01 : ;DD You knows iiiiiit
    nyx1216 : Honestly, I've done what things like that before...not proud of it but still
    KokoroBunneh01 : Well, I think the main thing is...
    KokoroBunneh01 : They did it in main...
    KokoroBunneh01 : And this room isn't private.
    KokoroBunneh01 : So, it just appears trashy.
    nyx1216 : Eh let people think what they want
    nyx1216 : If those who do it like it, its fine