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Log In : hi : hay : ow it : spreek je nederlands : hi : ;) : hi : hey zayn malik i love you i would do anything for you :  hi zayn i love you with all my heart! : hi this is zayn malik i just wanted to say if u love me than do it all the haters back off : hi : hi : hhi : hi : one direction : we love you zyan malik : zyan malik you are cutie : zyan malik are you okay : zyan malik happen to you yesterday : zyan malik why breaking up : zyan malik i want you to come to see one direction : zyan malik why did to see zyan malik from one direction : zyan malik always our heart : zyan malik make them happy please : zyan malik why have to this : zyan malik is not fair to leave one direction broken my heart : zyan malik i'll be happy and we love you so much i'll be there for you : zyan malik happen to you zyan malik why you left the band one direction : zyan malik so sad and cry because please don't go without him : zyan malik i give you advice for one direction to be promies me never left one direction cry : zyan malik says hi my name is Adelle legesse : hi zyan malik from one direction please don't quit the band so sad leave the band : zyan malik thank you zyan malik for one diection we support us : zyan malik always be happy and be nice be confient : zyan malik he always nice to see one diection again : zyan malik i love you forever rest of my life because left without guys from one direction : zyan malik call me on the phone
    zaynmalikreal has just logged in
    zaynmalikreal : hey u guys like meh eh