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    Katmanduuu : I have a feeling someone implanted a dipshit magnet in me when I wasn't looking.
    KimmieBbe4andnow : lmao
    KimmieBbe4andnow : no, you just have a good heart
    Katmanduuu : Too bad they keep mistaking kindness for weakness.
    KimmieBbe4andnow : and what I have learned, is this, people lie, they have alibies and there back up is this, it is
    KimmieBbe4andnow : never their fault
    Katmanduuu : I figure, it's better to have loved and lost than remain with a psycho for the rest of your life.
    KimmieBbe4andnow : no chit
    KimmieBbe4andnow : ^5
    Katmanduuu : Nope....he assured me it was always my fault. Twit.
    Katmanduuu : ^5
    KimmieBbe4andnow : but, I can say, right now, I am safe here
    KimmieBbe4andnow : and all I am going to say
    Katmanduuu : Good! Stay that way!
    KimmieBbe4andnow : I am
    Katmanduuu : Stand tall and stand strong, kiddo. The vultures love to circle.
    KimmieBbe4andnow : everyone in this room or comes in, better know me, or I need to remember them
    Katmanduuu : Vultures make great targets.
    KimmieBbe4andnow : see, this is what gets me
    Katmanduuu : Over the years, I've learned to toughen up and not tolerate idiots.
    KimmieBbe4andnow : I would have never known about all this but by SweetToo
    KimmieBbe4andnow : but no one is willing to come in
    KimmieBbe4andnow : Kat, always be in control
    KimmieBbe4andnow : never let life control you
    KimmieBbe4andnow : and that means a person, place or thang
    Katmanduuu : No worries. I'm a strong, intelligent and assertive woman, now. I grew up a few years ago. LOL
    KimmieBbe4andnow : brb, my little ones want another movie
    Katmanduuu : Ok...the dog is doing the potty dance so I think I'll go let him out.
    Katmanduuu : I've had fun talking with you! We'll do this, again. Hugs to you!
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    UltmatBt : Thank you
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    DitzyRedHd : I'm here.................................. :)
    DitzyRedHd : I see names I recognize..But they have left :(
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    DitzyRedHd : MARLA??????????????????????????????????????
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