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    kezza31 : hey
    jbond967 : hey
    jbond967 : how are you
    kezza31 : hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    kezza31 : wagwan
    Lucis : Do you run this place?
    kezza31 : yup
    Lucis : Good. I once had a friend named Kezza.
    Lucis : He was an Indian scientist.
    kezza31 : awww cute
    Lucis : He was very good looking too, I'm not gay btw but just saying.
    kezza31 : ahaha okai
    Lucis : But things went sour with a mutual friend of mine.
    Lucis : so we couldnt be friends no more :(
    Lucis : He had a dream, if you have time I could tell you.
    Lukebigslong : IM GONNA DIE
    kezza31 : LUKE
    Lukebigslong : THE GREATEST
    kezza31 : YESSSSSSSSSSSS
    Lukebigslong : im sad jess isn't here
    Lukebigslong : jess i love you
    Lukebigslong : jess?
    Lukebigslong : whos horny?
    Lukebigslong has just logged out
    Lukebigslong has just logged in
    chathour : Lukebigslong has been banned from this chat room.
    chathour : chathour has been banned from this chat room.