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    dillon9884 : Gay all the way
    mja737 : XavTeen u need to chill haha
    XavTeen : lol are the others boys on here sleeping?? lol
    mja737 : aha
    dillon9884 : I think they're just..watching. (Not in a creepy way I hope)
    HunterOfArtemis : XD
    CrazyPuttyTat : im on youtube not sleeping cause im doing minecraft server work
    donnie23 : hey guys, im good looking guy 36 looking for young guys, hit me up
    HunterOfArtemis : ....
    XavTeen : ok Crazy:P
    HunterOfArtemis : o.o
    donnie23 : no do you?
    HunterOfArtemis : wELP i AM OUT
    CrazyPuttyTat : gotta live on the crazy side
    HunterOfArtemis : *Welp i am out night ya all
    CrazyPuttyTat : k bye hunter
    HunterOfArtemis : Names Isabella XD
    CrazyPuttyTat : ok well i call people by there nick names
    XavTeen : lol who jerked today?
    CrazyPuttyTat : its my way of keeping trck of people
    CrazyPuttyTat : well time to get the donations up and working ill be back soon
    Youngteen113 : y yo whats up
    CrazyPuttyTat : well happy easter everyone
    XavTeen : I got a nice one n got lot chocolate
    CrazyPuttyTat : cool well my easter was watching fairy tail all day then do some programing
    epoed : hello first time in room
    Youngteen113 : i just learn this new song called arabella on my guitar , anyone skype?
    CrazyPuttyTat : cool
    dillon9884 : I got to spend easter with hot guy.
    CrazyPuttyTat : well i dgot to spend easter by my self cause im crazy like that
    dillon9884 : That's cool
    XavTeen : sorry for u Crazy, hope u get a good right hand lol
    epoed : so did jesus and hes ok
    dillon9884 : So what do people like?
    epoed : i like old trucks
    CrazyPuttyTat : i like video games
    CrazyPuttyTat : old video games more
    CrazyPuttyTat : a miss the old pokemon and legend of zelda and the old sonic and mario games
    CrazyPuttyTat : miss the old super smash bros
    XavTeen : i like mountain bikes:P
    dillon9884 : Anyone else a theatre nerd? Or am I just a dweeb?
    CrazyPuttyTat : well gtg still got server work to finish
    XavTeen : ok, bye crazy
    XavTeen has just logged out
    codyb2000 : hi
    codyb2000 : somebody cute IM me pleae
    codyb2000 : please
    manspice : hii
    codyb2000 has just logged in