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    ApalosApprentince : *he leaned in slowly*
    JasonReaper : *gets on land* ok *tilts head, revealing neck*
    xMischiefx : *she blushed*
    DareraMaddigan : *I bite my lip a little* Never really liked this. *I lean over, biting Jason's neck*
    JasonReaper : *gasps a little* its a-alright
    ApalosApprentince : *he kisses her softly*
    DareraMaddigan : *I close my eyes as I start to drink*
    xMischiefx : *she smiled into the kiss,blushing as she kissed back lightly*
    JasonReaper : *groans/gasps a tiny bit*
    DareraMaddigan : *I move closer as I continue to drink*
    JasonReaper : *moves closer as well*
    ApalosApprentince : *he pulled away a bit* give me 5 minutes..
    xMischiefx : *she nodded* okay
    DareraMaddigan : *I continue to drink for a bit longer before forcing myself away, wiping my lips*
    JasonReaper : *rubs neck* that was fun
    DareraMaddigan : *I rub my belly a bit before looking at you* Thank you.
    JasonReaper : welcome
    DareraMaddigan : *I lay down* I don't understand though. I usually don't get so hungry.
    JasonReaper : its alright
    DareraMaddigan : *I nod, laying my head down* Yeah.
    ApalosApprentince : *takes missy's hand* come with me..
    JasonReaper : im surprised i havent gotten thristy for blood, yet
    xMischiefx : *takes his hand*
    ApalosApprentince : *drags her to my own chatroom*
    DareraMaddigan : *I smile, looking at you* Well you have been getting plenty to drink recently.
    xMischiefx : *she blushed,following*
    DareraMaddigan : What with our... activities.
    JasonReaper : *chuckles* true
    DareraMaddigan : *I glance around* And now we're alone.
    JasonReaper : yep
    ApalosApprentince : ((its called Bass Castle))
    xMischiefx : (9already there))
    ApalosApprentince : ((Its right on my profile))
    xMischiefx : ((im there already silly))
    ApalosApprentince : ((ogie then))
    DareraMaddigan : *I kiss you gently* What do you say?
    JasonReaper : about what? *kisses back*
    DareraMaddigan : *I smile* Well... we're alone.
    JasonReaper : oh,....... *smiles back*
    DareraMaddigan : *I giggle a little* So?
    JasonReaper : sure,
    DareraMaddigan : *I smile, kissing you again*
    ApalosApprentince : (i'm there now)
    xMischiefx : (8nod*)
    JasonReaper has just logged out
    imheartbroken2x : is bitch
    macj28 : umm
    macj28 : lol
    iiiith2pathdoom : hello