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    rainbowdash1971 : hey
    Mimizuki : hiya
    rainbowdash1971 : whats up
    Mimizuki : not much
    Mimizuki : sorry about the unexpected ban :/
    rainbowdash1971 : what do u mean
    Mimizuki : you sorta got banned from the furry chatroom after you left
    Mimizuki : are chu there?
    rainbowdash1971 : yeh why did
    rainbowdash1971 : u do that
    Mimizuki : its against rules to advertise chatrooms :/
    Mimizuki : but no, i didnt
    rainbowdash1971 : well ima block u
    Mimizuki : why?
    rainbowdash1971 : cause its against the rules
    Mimizuki : i didnt make the rules
    Mimizuki : nor did i have anything to do with blocking
    Mimizuki : it may have been the chats admin
    rainbowdash1971 : u said u blocked me
    Mimizuki : i said i didnt
    rainbowdash1971 : sure
    Mimizuki : i promise *i bow* its my job to give a warning first
    Mimizuki : and, to get those wrongfully banned, unbanned
    Mimizuki : alright?
    rainbowdash1971 : bye loser
    Mimizuki : wait, why? : was up
    MattBrown has just logged out