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Log In : hi i havea question for school anyone want to elpp : *help
    mirathea has just logged in
    mirathea has just logged in
    mirathea has just logged in : whats up : hi : anyone there : ok, see u later when schrodinger's cat is found : hello
    mirathea has just logged in : test : HI is anyone there?
    renukawagh : Hey
    renukawagh : Someone should respong
    renukawagh : *respond
    renukawagh : Is everyone dead
    renukawagh : Ok....Well Bye
    renukawagh : Holaa : Hello : hello : hi :) : hi : hi : any one : hey : do I really have to log in to be on this cite : I guess not. : anyone want to talk about pulsars? : Does anyone believe they are really rotating neutron star? : why dont u ever c stars on iss cams,why do they always cut the feed when iss enters the dark side : hi : hi : cane someone answer this question. What are the two major competing interpretations of : theory : hey : hello/ : hi : hello, anybody there? : hi : ... : Hey fellow scientists please help me win a science competition by viewing my video "Grains, Chains and Solitary Waves" on youtube
    RyukaQhrien : Hi, I was wondering if when you freeze refrigerant in a co2 catridge, whether it will expand enough to produce pressure when it melts to serve as a propellant. : f : hi any out there
    AntiqueDoll has just logged in
    joeTHErapper has just logged in
    joeTHErapper : hey!!
    physicalchemist : Hi everyone
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -