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    krad25 : ?
    daniel0214 : anyuone here? : hey
    ZackBrandt has just logged in : hello : I was trying to find SAA telephone meeting but was unable for this hr : hey : how is everyone : hey : hello??
    cp230ce : looking to chat rather than look at porn
    cp230ce : anyone there that can chat?
    cp230ce : no?
    cp230ce : anyone there?
    cp230ce : ok?
    cp230ce : anone there?
    cp230ce : ??
    cp230ce : hello : hi
    80Jess : Hi
    80Jess : Ho hum : hi
    lookin4life : hello i am new to this , what is this site a 12 step group
    gsmithton : hello
    Wwnedhelp : Hey any one here?
    Wwnedhelp : 2am anyone around : hello?
    ShuckyDucky123 has just logged in
    ShuckyDucky123 has just logged in
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Alexdb has just logged in
    Alexdb : Hi
    Alexdb has just logged in
    Alexdb has just logged in
    Alexdb has just logged in