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    NyaBenNyaa54 : Barely, I've done a little work I suppose, enough to fix certain things. Why?
    KatyHolmes : "Because my boss wants me to get a assistance."
    NyaBenNyaa54 : an* -he corrected and laughed slightly- I guess I could be one, detective work?
    KatyHolmes : "Medical actually.."
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Oh? I probably should've guessed that, looking back. Well I could probably be a fairly good
    NyaBenNyaa54 : assistant, i'm in then.
    KatyHolmes : "Greeat!"
    NyaBenNyaa54 : -he nodded- So what exactly am I working on? And when?
    KatyHolmes : "Well, Autopsies like me, aaand tonight.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Sounds like a joy, shouldn't we start then? Waiting around seems wasteful.
    KatyHolmes : -She nodded, grabbing severeal Autopsy reports.-
    NyaBenNyaa54 : -he motioned for them- Alright, show me then?
    KatyHolmes : -She took one, a bulimic teen girl.-
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Well that's not a good sight. How'd they pass?
    KatyHolmes : Starvation.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : So why do the autopsy? We already understand it don't we?
    KatyHolmes : We don't know why.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Ahh, anything else to go on other than this?
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Or also, any bruise marks?
    KatyHolmes : Mhm..
    KatyHolmes : Her face was badly battered and her legs broke.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : She was probably abused, and possibly malnourished, or she chose that path herself.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : As in the not eating, not the bad treatment.
    KatyHolmes : True.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : I guess the better question now is who did it. Any ideas?
    KatyHolmes : Well......her family are the most conductive in her death.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : And why's that?
    KatyHolmes : They were druggies and alcoholics.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Well that doesn't mean they did it, but it does look awfully suspicious.
    KatyHolmes : Exactly.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Well are you going to go meet up with them?
    KatyHolmes : Yeah.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Well then? Should we go now? -he shrugged- they might run soon~?
    KatyHolmes : Yup!
    NyaBenNyaa54 : -he pointed towards the door, moving towards it- Well then lets go
    KatyHolmes : -Grabbed her shaul, wrapping it around her, legged it out.-
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Oh, excited? -he followed her quickly out-
    KatyHolmes : I've been working on this for 3 years!
    NyaBenNyaa54 : And you just now have gotten to finding out who it is? I guess that would be a nice day
    KatyHolmes : Exactly.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Where is he exactly?
    KatyHolmes : Norpurn St.
    NyaBenNyaa54 : Alrighty then, lets get there quickly.
    KatyHolmes : -
    KatyHolmes : -She dodged the cars.-
    NyaBenNyaa54 : -He ran around most of them, staying on the sidewalk, then following reluctantly-
    KatyHolmes : -Got to the street.-
    NyaBenNyaa54 : (I gotta go for now, I'll reply later if you'd like)
    KatyHolmes : (k