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    999333 : i am here
    ladybuilder : great it worked
    ladybuilder : thanks Kim
    999333 : can antbody else come here?
    999333 : anybody
    ladybuilder : nope
    999333 : funny antbody
    ladybuilder : ?
    999333 : I was just entertained by my typo
    ladybuilder : lol ok
    999333 : go on with you story
    ladybuilder : shoot I cant make it provate
    ladybuilder : private
    999333 : do you have a mac or pc?
    ladybuilder : just this
    999333 : I have been in a room with someone and I am pretty sure it was private
    999333 : hummm
    ladybuilder : I hope so
    999333 : well, we are alone for now
    ladybuilder : we are
    ladybuilder : I see no others
    999333 : waht
    999333 : i left you for a moment. Somehow I just got popped out of your chat room. I thought you cut me out.
    ladybuilder has just logged out
    999333 : I am here
    ladybuilder has just logged out
    ladybuilder : hello?
    999333 : yes
    999333 : went to bathroom
    999333 : how are you?
    ladybuilder has just logged out
    ladybuilder : hello?