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    Pippagurl2000 : back in a few mins
    austexinmexico : ok.
    Pippagurl2000 : hi i'm back
    austexinmexico : ok
    austexinmexico : yeah i'm see him on the list.
    austexinmexico : ok
    austexinmexico : go for it if that's what you enjoy.
    Pippagurl2000 has just logged out
    fletch47 has just logged out
    Pippagurl2000 : hi yes
    Pippagurl2000 has just logged out
    fletch47 has just logged out
    cheekyJamesLnd : heyy
    Pippagurl2000 : hi
    cheekyJamesLnd : hows it going?
    Pippagurl2000 : ok thnx
    cheekyJamesLnd : so whats thins room about ? private room for pippa lol
    Pippagurl2000 : yeh i just chat o any1 who s here
    cheekyJamesLnd : aa cool
    cheekyJamesLnd : so hows yoru night been? i was trying to find a UK girl to chat to
    cheekyJamesLnd : eres so many non UKs on here is unreal
    Pippagurl2000 : yeh ok thnx
    cheekyJamesLnd : im tired tonight. ive been out most of the week
    Pippagurl2000 : wot u been up 2
    cheekyJamesLnd : and had friends stay over but theyve finally gone so i have the place to myself at last :P
    Pippagurl2000 : oh ok
    cheekyJamesLnd : wbu
    cheekyJamesLnd : been up to much this week?
    Pippagurl2000 : just been in my bedroom
    cheekyJamesLnd : oh right .. actually i saw youre from london .. same here
    Pippagurl2000 : i'm north london. u?
    cheekyJamesLnd : oh cool im NW
    cheekyJamesLnd : so whens your birthday ? lol
    Pippagurl2000 : in august
    cheekyJamesLnd : oh right ... damn you wont be 16 for a while then... i shoudl behave then . i can behave
    Pippagurl2000 : yeh nxt yer
    cheekyJamesLnd : aw how was your summer?
    Pippagurl2000 : ok i spose
    cheekyJamesLnd : im so cold here .... neeed to warm up
    cheekyJamesLnd : oh btw... i just looked on yoru profile and your pictures are all private... why is that?
    Pippagurl2000 : u can send a frend req
    cheekyJamesLnd : hey sorry i closed this by mistake
    cheekyJamesLnd : wow theres no way youre as old as you say you are... you look 19 or somethign lol
    cheekyJamesLnd : you look though wow. but maybe you are too young for me. i think so tbh :(
    michaelsmith21 : hi
    michaelsmith21 : you look cute whats your name ?
    michaelsmith21 : do you roleplay pippa?
    kevsup4 : hi pippa you here?
    ukman2635 has just logged out