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    paige221 : hi
    Mlock1971 has just logged in
    Mlock1971 : Hey there everyone. I am super pissed off right now
    Mlock1971 : Some ghost is hollering in my face all fucking night long. I am going to have to call in sick to work.
    Mlock1971 : My sister is yelling at me and it is probably her fault that I can't get any ducking sleep in the first place
    Mlock1971 : Do you know what really fucking gets me. Is that I am the one to blame for the asshole Union once again
    Mlock1971 : When people are just so fucking jealous and stuff.
    Mlock1971 : It might be our really gross looking neighbors next door. He has this really gross and deformed ear.
    uglyblokeonabicycle : Hello