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    salisufu : OWN A BUSINESS is your chat room to discuss and discover your business success routine.
    salisufu : Within Selangor, Petalig Jaya, Puchong and Sri Kembangan are the intial meet/ discuss and training locations.
    salisufu : All other areas ofSelangor will commence from July 2017.
    salisufu : Intereste people are normally above 22 and even the healthy retired. Both sexes have equal opportunity.
    salisufu : Good spoken English is the success tool. All other qualities developed progressively.
    salisufu : Sunday November 13tth is a full day programme in Sri kembangan / Puchong.
    salisufu : Beginners benefit from full day programme; 12 months follow up; 52 + 52 weekly mail lessons and more.