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    RareWhiteBoy : Hey peeps! Welcome to Wanna Wanna Chat Plus!! New kind of room, for new and old alike lol Come on, join the fun! Chat and more!
    RareWhiteBoy : Who is a fan of the Ice Age movies?
    RareWhiteBoy : BTW, I don't like Mark Wahlberg! I can stand him in certain movies, most no :/
    RareWhiteBoy : can't*
    RareWhiteBoy : Ted, The Good Guys, The Italian Job, and Transformers Age of Extincition are pretty much my exceptions lol
    RareWhiteBoy : I hope someone decides to at least get curious and check my group out
    RareWhiteBoy : DAMN!! NO ONE??!! Okay tchao, waste of time apparently
    RareWhiteBoy has just logged out