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    kevsup4 : ok want to chat later ?
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Also I finish school sometime in June
    SkylovesCreepypasta : No we can chat now! It's fine.
    SkylovesCreepypasta : I'll brb
    SkylovesCreepypasta : I'm back, I had to catch a cricket quick
    kevsup4 : why was it in the house ?
    SkylovesCreepypasta : It's for my pet lizard Bonnie. All the cricets escape the cage when we put them in his cage.
    SkylovesCreepypasta : 2 of them escaped last night
    kevsup4 : wow a lizard that a kool pet :)
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Yeah, I have 2 lizards and 2 dogs. One of my dogs is being put down right now
    kevsup4 : awww that sad :(
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Yeah
    kevsup4 : so you got much homework ?
    kevsup4 : god i hated that at school
    SkylovesCreepypasta : I hate school now and I'm failing
    kevsup4 : why you failing?
    SkylovesCreepypasta : 8th grade is hard
    SkylovesCreepypasta : ;(
    SkylovesCreepypasta : :(
    kevsup4 : keep at it you get through it
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Really?
    kevsup4 : yes keep at it you will beat it eventually
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Ok. Also I have 2 questions
    kevsup4 : ok ask away?
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Have you ever had a crush on anyone in school?
    kevsup4 : yes
    kevsup4 : and after i left
    SkylovesCreepypasta : How did to talk to her? I have a crush on this guy at school and I can't ever talk to him!
    kevsup4 : well give eye contact 1st then just say hi as you pass him
    kevsup4 : you will both start to talk sooner or later ?
    kevsup4 : then take it from there :)
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Well, how do I tell him that I have a crush on him?
    kevsup4 : you dont just play it kool chat 1st see how it goes
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Ok thx
    kevsup4 : i had a crush on a girl and we eventually got together only to
    kevsup4 : find out we didnt hit it off
    kevsup4 : but the 2nd girl i had a crush on we lasted 2 yrs
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Oh...
    kevsup4 : 2nd question ?
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Do u like me?
    kevsup4 : yes like to get to no you more
    kevsup4 : that why i look for you every day
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Well, do u want to go to ur chatroom?
    kevsup4 : ok i just got nip out pick my lil sis up be back in about 20 minutes
    kevsup4 : will you be here still?
    SkylovesCreepypasta : Yeah, I'll just be waiting in ur chatroom.
    kevsup4 : ok se you soon sky :)
    SkylovesCreepypasta : See u soon kevsup4
    kevsup4 : cum my room when you back on sky ill be there waiting :)