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    RoseyMarie : ANYWHERE that i know of. Not here, in the States nor UK etc. and not Australia
    RoseyMarie : Have you got rid of her have you?
    RoseyMarie : Read my IM to you
    RoseyMarie : there?
    RoseyMarie : gone again
    RoseyMarie : sounds like your mom and her friend are lying. Why?
    RoseyMarie : You should not be keeping out of it. You should be right in there standing up for Emmy
    RoseyMarie : and having the guts to do so
    RoseyMarie : she talk to YOU not them
    RoseyMarie : doesn't she?
    RoseyMarie : Emmy doesn't need all this shit if she's still in the hospital
    RoseyMarie : Hey Maxx :) Are you there?
    MaXxVampire : here
    RoseyMarie : Nice
    RoseyMarie : what is happening with you?
    MaXxVampire : nothing much. think of going busking
    MaXxVampire : thinking
    RoseyMarie : ok
    RoseyMarie : How are you?
    MaXxVampire : ok for now
    MaXxVampire : 2 weeks and 3 days till payday
    RoseyMarie : are we still on for this afternoon?
    MaXxVampire : i thought you had to work?
    RoseyMarie : I told you I would be there at your place around 4, maybe 5. Store closes at noon.
    MaXxVampire : its a very very long drive
    MaXxVampire : would have been bad enough if i lived in kelowna
    RoseyMarie : which is why it will probably be closer to 5
    MaXxVampire : smiles
    RoseyMarie : have you got rid of Emmy?
    MaXxVampire : she is pending. lol
    RoseyMarie : what do you mean she is pending?
    MaXxVampire : no here not coming here
    RoseyMarie : why is she not going there? You told me the other day that she was still going to go there soon
    MaXxVampire : by the sounds of it. she is lieing. i wouldn't worry about it
    RoseyMarie : how is she lying?
    MaXxVampire : i am going. dont feel like being fed.dead
    RoseyMarie : What?
    RoseyMarie : I am not a fed, just have police friends
    RoseyMarie : don't go if you want me there today
    RoseyMarie : Oh Maxx
    RoseyMarie : I am not going to go there if you don't talk to me first . You arealso not very loyal to Emmy are you?
    RoseyMarie : You disappoint me Maxx. I thought you were better than that.
    RoseyMarie : what do you mean by fed dead? you're weird, but I like you LOL
    RoseyMarie : Hey, Maxx, I don't think Emmy would mind us being together.. She's only your bestf friend so tell her
    MaXxVampire : lol
    RoseyMarie : hi
    RoseyMarie : GET RID OF HER MAXX
    RoseyMarie : And talk on here. it's a bit wasier
    RoseyMarie : easier
    RoseyMarie : gone home Maxx. you didn't get rid of her