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    Kratti : Watcha... watcha readin' there?
    chrislurd : any at all
    DavidRosin : can i have a reading
    chrislurd : yes you can
    DavidRosin : ok how do we start
    chrislurd : can we go through IM
    DavidRosin : yeah
    chrislurd : OK IM me
    DavidRosin : ok did
    Jayde29 : Hi
    chrislurd : hi do you want
    Jayde29 : Heyy
    chrislurd : do you want a spell or what?
    Jayde29 : Shore
    Jayde29 : (:
    chrislurd : IM me now
    Jayde29 : Okay
    640115 : what is psychic chat? I am looking for religious discussion.
    Aikoitza : Religious over psychic?
    chrislurd : well this a chat were problems are been solved more likely of a religious chat
    640115 : so my understanding is correct?
    chrislurd : yes so would you be interested
    640115 : Yes. what is your faith on hinduism?
    chrislurd : wow must to say a highly partaker
    chrislurd : but on the other side a beliver
    chrislurd has just logged out
    LuluTheExalted : whats going on in here?
    LuluTheExalted : is this a psychic reading here?
    chrislurd : yes it is
    chrislurd has just logged out
    EnlightenedMork : can you read me?
    EnlightenedMork : come on you puerto rican faggot
    EnlightenedMork : read my mind you spic thief
    wayne6 has just logged out
    flair25 : Hatsune Miku - Sweet Devil !
    Aikoitza has just logged in
    chrislurd : no one is devil
    chrislurd : IM me now for your spells and reading
    RaitoYagami : hello?
    chrislurd : 
    chrislurd has just logged out
    chrislurd has just logged out
    Jayde29 : Hey
    chrislurd : hi
    chrislurd : you want a spell
    snowman729 has just logged out
    BlackPantherMember has just logged out