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    cloudymemories : i'm like why u running
    cloudymemories : stand still
    imabadman71 : that's jason and meyers
    cloudymemories : freddy vs jason crap film
    imabadman71 : they take their time...i guess one day they will talk and be like i'm going to make it hurt because you made me chase you
    cloudymemories : yeah ikr
    imabadman71 : so how is the rat book
    cloudymemories : it's like wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and the killer tilts his head and thinks bitch why u screaming in my face
    imabadman71 : i don't think i ever heard about it before
    imabadman71 : lol...that made me laugh
    cloudymemories : i peeded my pants laughing so hard
    cloudymemories : bloody movies
    cloudymemories : haha get it
    imabadman71 : i'll pass you a diaper if you pee when we see a rom com together
    imabadman71 : would hate for you to feel wet
    cloudymemories : worse film i saw was the clown one
    cloudymemories : the terrifier i think
    imabadman71 : oh...i thought you was going to type it
    imabadman71 : now that is a good movie
    imabadman71 : pennywise
    cloudymemories : where the hanging women and he cuts her in half
    cloudymemories : no thats IT
    cloudymemories : Pennywise was in IT
    imabadman71 : i know
    imabadman71 : i thought you was typing about it when you typed clown
    cloudymemories : good film also is i spit on your grave 2010
    cloudymemories : nope
    imabadman71 : yep...hate horror films
    cloudymemories : u dont like horror yet u watched the terrifier lol
    imabadman71 : remember the movie ring
    imabadman71 : yea i know right
    cloudymemories : yes omg the girl
    cloudymemories : the conjuring 1 n 2
    imabadman71 : remember if you answer the phone you will die...that's how the ring started off
    imabadman71 : you know i have that whole series and never sat down to watch it
    cloudymemories : yes the a week later u die
    imabadman71 : i was meaningg too...just never found the time
    cloudymemories : wrong turn franchise
    imabadman71 : i think the grudge did it for me
    imabadman71 : now that was scar
    cloudymemories : the fingers in the hair did it for me
    imabadman71 : scary
    cloudymemories : ewwww
    imabadman71 : well i have to get ready to go
    cloudymemories : ok been a blast with u
    cloudymemories : tc chat later x
    imabadman71 : i won't be here tomorrow or saturday...but i'll be back online sunday
    cloudymemories : ok see you then
    imabadman71 : okay...goodnight
    cloudymemories : Night