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    Kaybee1958 : Welcome to the room everyone.
    SublimeWeirdo : not bad ,i mostly use google hangouts for private chatting though...
    Kaybee1958 : Fair enough. =)
    kali95 : same
    SublimeWeirdo : no,i just sometimes have folks i wanna chat with with no much public on!
    Kaybee1958 : =)
    TheNudeBot : What I use depends on who it is
    Kaybee1958 : That's fair enough. =)
    Kaybee1958 : How is everyone?
    TheNudeBot : I’m pretty good, how about you?
    SublimeWeirdo : i am doing well,but then i always do in mornings,its still is 1 here,8 am!
    Kaybee1958 : Wow big time difference it's Only 3:02pm here
    Kaybee1958 : And that's good to hear, I'm good, Thank you.
    TheNudeBot : It’s 1am here
    Kaybee1958 : Damn.. That's late, Why ain't you sleeping?
    TheNudeBot : I’ve messed up my sleep schedule
    Kaybee1958 : Aww, I'm sorry. =(
    TheNudeBot : Thanks, but it’s not much of an issue for the time being
    Kaybee1958 : Fair enough.
    SublimeWeirdo : i sleep 23.40 lately
    Kaybee1958 : Damn..
    kali95 : hi
    Kaybee1958 : Hi Kali
    TheNudeBot : Hi kali
    kali95 : how is everyone
    Kaybee1958 : I'm good, Thanks for asking. How are you?
    TheNudeBot : Pretty good, you?
    kali95 : im well for half the weekend being gone already
    kali95 : it goes ny too fast
    TheNudeBot : Doesn’t it always?
    Kaybee1958 : It does go fast especially when you're having fun.
    TheNudeBot : True
    Kaybee1958 : It's a bit dead at the moment
    TheNudeBot : I mean there’s not many of us so it makes sense
    Kaybee1958 : Yeah, Just thought there would be a lot more people in here.
    SublimeWeirdo : sorry but i am doing home stuff all along!
    TheNudeBot : User made rooms tend to have slow growth if they rely on people randomly finding it
    SublimeWeirdo : its the ever active for me morning
    Kaybee1958 : Lol fair enough.
    Kaybee1958 : All good sub.
    SublimeWeirdo : well,it much depends upon the circle of ppl
    Kaybee1958 : Mhm.
    TheNudeBot : I think I’ll be heading to bed, bye all
    Kaybee1958 : Bye, Good night.
    SublimeWeirdo : late there,bot?
    kali95 : its late here
    kali95 : good night
    SublimeWeirdo : night too?
    JohnnyT2 : Just missing you and hoping all is ok since last we chatted...