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    yayamama209 : hey : hi : else been decived and feel like shit? : Hey heres a joke: : Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jack left the hill fucked Mary and came back and said : Fuck u Jill. Then Jill said fuck u jack. And jack and jill tumbled down the hill!!! lol
    H4ck3d has just logged in
    H4ck3d : Hi : hi : hi
    Sara40 has just logged in
    Sara40 : hi : I guess nobodys on? : hi : so I've been seperated from my sons mother for about 3 weeks now. She moved out : the beginning of Dec cheating on her part was the main reason we split : she got a STD an then just completely shut down to me. We were 2gether for 10 years : and have a 3 year old boy together its been an on-off 10 years but after having our son : I thought it was suppose to be. She lead me on for months with telling me where 2gether : but she needed space to figure herself out with lived together for another 3 months : while she did her dirt in front of me(while thinking it was secret) an it just became 2 much : what do I do or what would someone do in this type of situation
    Jeffaroo has just logged in