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Log In : hello fellow white people
    Wotans : Hello all
    Wotans : wpww was a normal thing
    Wotans : now it is hard to find a chat where u can be with fellow aryan friends
    LosZetas : Hi guys
    nastybadboy : 88 guys
    Tiffanybbc has just logged in
    Tiffanybbc : hi : hey room
    whitepride2 has just logged in
    whitepride2 : 88 everyone!
    whitepride2 : WPWW email me at for some White Power chat 36 wht male USA!!!! : Anyone there
    Wheeler13 : evening gentlemen
    Wheeler13 : we've got a shit show out there now
    Wheeler13 : you're gonna face a lot of guilt-trips by mainstream society, but rememember..
    Wheeler13 : there is nothing evil, law-breaking, or wrong with being proud to be white.
    Wheeler13 : don't let anyone else convince you otherwise
    whitepride2 has just logged in
    whitepride2 : lineman77: WP my brother
    whitepride2 has just logged out
    whitepride2 has just logged in
    whitepride2 has just logged in
    whitepride2 has just logged out
    whitepride2 has just logged in
    whitepride2 has just logged out : hey all : fuck niggers : Anyone here? : hi : im tired of arabs raping our girls : and blacks too : fucking scum : im a girl that does calisthenics(bodyweight strength) and i beat up black,gypsy SCUM : freaking often : its fun : and yes fuuck niggers : europe is being destroyed now cause of the damn ''refugees'' fuck tolerance! : im homophobic too by the way :) : ONLY hetero and white is aright and normal! : am i right? : Any nazi guys? email me at : ima nazi girl XD : me n my boy will beat up illegal immigrants :D itll be fun : i mean animals *ahem* : gay
    bunny67313 has just logged in
    bunny67313 : nazi or kkk guys email me at
    bunny67313 has just logged in