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    spacermanz has just logged out : hi
    theswimmer6815 has just logged in
    theswimmer6815 : hi : f 28 sup everyone
    junebuggy : hi
    junebuggy : everyone
    mikeab012 : hows it goin
    redboy15 has just logged in
    redboy15 : hey
    redboy15 : anyone wanna chat add me on kik at redboy_15
    XxVaultBoyxX : skype username: hellbenderboy
    ChicagoGentleman : Hello
    lucianobangz : yooooo
    alicec84 : anyone around here?
    alicec84 has just logged out
    jhamman1 has just logged in
    Eclipse32 : hey whats up
    Eclipse32 has just logged in
    bri2014 : hi
    bri2014 : is this chicago?
    bri2014 : Is this the chicago room?
    bri2014 : I guess so
    bri2014 : so how is everyone?
    bri2014 : well this is a riot
    ChiraqDriller : GDK GDK in the bitch FUCK THE OPPS
    ChiraqDriller : Folknem stay poled up incase they catch a gd lackin. Fuck 7-4, L's Doin BD till' I drop 2-4 till the world blow bítch. RIP king Dave
    ChiraqDriller : Who want fuckin beef with me??
    ChiraqDriller : Any opps in here want smokee?? I swear to god any of you GD folks can meet my mop
    ChiraqDriller : I gotta 30 round clip 4 all you fuck niggas on King Dave fuck the opps
    ChiraqDriller : I see the opps are in hiding...LMAO lil dirty GD folks dont want it
    Timbo418 : hey
    lookatme2xs : any bbc
    lookatme2xs : hi
    ironAiden : RIP weirdtown
    zoo79 : Raradise
    linn99 : hi room
    bemystanger has just logged in
    slab610 : gm all
    pavilion780n : Hello
    pavilion780n : Anyone still in the room?
    pavilion780n : Helllllloooo0ooooooo?
    pavilion780n : Anyone here?
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    BodyBags0 has just logged in
    BodyBags0 has just logged out
    BodyBags0 has just logged in
    BodyBags0 has just logged out
    Jaxxx28 : Ok
    Jaxxx28 has just logged out