● zargabaath :
anyone want to talk to me and my wife on skype? from michigan that is
● zargabaath :
couple looking for male companionship/friendship
● rls49457 :
Hi Michganders....any person who reads this is invited to add and IM me.
● Furyfelix :
Ok looks like a few desparate guys trying to get laid. Anybody else got anything going on?
● Furyfelix :
Kzoogirl27, it's not dead. but itiis kicking it's last breath.
● Furyfelix :
Ok obviously not going to talk I guess.
● Furyfelix :
Really still no one chatting? Are you all dead?
● Annamarisa :
Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours - https://soo.gd/sessy
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