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    desertbeauty2 : salam alaykom
    desertbeauty2 has just logged in :  hey : hello every one i am moamena from egypt
    Radwan12345 has just logged in : Hi Moamena EG : im Egy M 33 here just loged in : hi : hi
    limooooo : hello : hi
    minhas194 has just logged in
    Eman46 has just logged in : Assalam Alikom : aselm alikom : assalam alikom
    MistyA : Hello all : Hi : Salam alykum : Hi : Walekom Alsalam : Is there any one in New York City : hi
    anisa66 has just logged out : hi : assalem walikoum : Hello, me and my friends are considering registering as Muslim in order to protest things like the Muslim ban, the possibility of Muslim registry, and the general poor treatment of Muslims : hi : how are you : waelikom aslam : does any one african american? here : good bye : hello egypt : hi : anyone here
    phillylesbo has just logged in
    phillylesbo has just logged in : HI : HMMMM : Brothers and sisters : this is strange : hello
    manoalmexicani : sas
    manoalmexicani : inshallah
    lovenet113 has just logged in : Assalamu'alaikum and good evening from Indonesia, everyone here :-)
    trumpetchic : Hello everyone!
    trumpetchic : So I'm on here to see if I can learn about Islam and the religion of being a Muslim. I've been considering converting and want to know more. : salam