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Log In : heya : heeeyyy : anyone here? : FUCK THIS
    wolfprincess17 has just logged in : Hello??? : hello? : seriously? hello? : Fuck this crap : 4553325
    boyfriendisawitch : ji : Hello? : I Have a Question? : I need to know!
    LorrieBlossom : Hello : Hellu?
    MatthiasV : Hello
    MatthiasV : To, (if you log back in) if you've any questions that really need to be answered,
    MatthiasV : Personal Message me, I'm happy to help
    MatthiasV has just logged in
    JasonEvans : hi : hello : Um what do you guys think of dijins
    Creation8 : Djin's you mean.
    Creation8 : It's spelled Djin
    embamay has just logged in
    SapphireLomarto : Hi
    SerenaHeartU : hi everyone ^^
    nasy825 : hello
    nasy825 : may i ask what it means by being around a vampire draw you to want to talk to them more?