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Log In : .9 : .8 : .7 : .6 : .5 : .4 : .3 : .2 : .1 : .09 : 00000000000000000 : FUCK ALL YOU MOTHA FUCKAS : Well damnit : I need a dentist : Anyjuan a dentist? : hello : hello i have a question : anyone a dentist here? : hi
    cathychen : hello
    cathychen : this is Irene from China
    cathychen : anyone here : hello : anybody around? : hi : anyone here : everyon eleft? : left : wtf : hey is there a dentist here : hello : hello : <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="258" height="338" title="Click Here to donate!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" va : : hello my name is Joy and I have bad teeth they HURT bad and I been hurting for sometime now .. I have a broking back tooth that broke, will half of my tooth cranked off and it : hello my name is mrs hallett : hello mrs hallett my name is : anyone here? : hello? : I have gingivitis and I also have this part of my gums where its soar and its not just inflamed but it has a whitish color to it and I was hoping you could tell what it was? : i need helo : help : HELP : what shape toothbrush do you recommend : hey hey : hello : hi : hi : n : I havent seen a dentist in over 6 or so years. I live in the USA so it's VERY expensive to have anything done regarding health. However, recently for the past 3-4 days I have