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    16msinglePagan has just logged in
    AutumnRayne18 has just logged in
    AutumnRayne18 : Hello Everyone! :)
    AutumnRayne18 : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me.
    macayla has just logged in : hi
    kayhiggs13 : anyone here?
    colocatt : hi : hi : hello>?
    ParisWolfGirl : Any Wiccans here? : o.o : hi
    bambivasd has just logged in : hiya? : i am new to this and i would really like some advice or to chat so could a wiccan kik me: : id:pandoraXOXOXO : hi : hi : any wiccans here
    WiccanLady28 : hi
    WiccanLady28 : me
    WiccanLady28 : hello?