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    multiplefaces : he lives at San Juan, Puerto Rico. He raped my best friend and he should be punished : hi : hello : is anyone up for a real magick partner throght skype : i need a black magic sex partner
    darkwisp1 has just logged in
    shabu114 : hi
    shabu114 : nobody.? : hi : anyone there
    Darkwolf2666 : heu
    Darkwolf2666 : hey
    Darkwolf2666 : anyone here
    Darkwolf2666 : hello anyone online
    tgruber78 : hi : can yall do voodoo doll and kill the girl in my school because she being mean to my friends
    ajjupink has just logged in
    ajjupink : hi there is this black magic thing really exists in world or just matter of fooling and wasting time n money?
    ajjupink : hi anyone to clear my doubts??
    ajjupink : hello :)
    ajjupink : hellooooo : hello : fgdfgs : hi : any blacks here? : i am black : hello : do you know if love is needed to cast a death spell?
    JGirl2016 : hi : hi : hi
    mystical1968 : hi, any real witches in here
    mystical1968 : who are mastering dark arts
    thicklittle13 : hiiiiiiiiiii
    thicklittle13 : i need some one to turn me into a puppy hybrid a human with with puppy ears and tail,or a vampire,or to send me into my fav tv show,or one more thing,or 1&3 together,ill do anything : somthin to ask : anyone know curse spell : tryn find one for amy taylor melvin taylor tryn hurt my family trying find help : can any one do spell for me please and ty : they live in house in cross plains texas : please hlp : help : my names jacob asking for curse spell on amy taylor to stop hurting my family pleas help
    sarah2233 : hi my names sarah
    sarah2233 : need help can any one do a hex or curs spell on eric boudreaux he lives in cross plains texas
    icometoshowyouthetru : Just jesus christ is the lord
    icometoshowyouthetru : Sarah2233
    icometoshowyouthetru : jesus has a new life
    icometoshowyouthetru : for you