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Log In : and he doesnt love me back anymore : hes moved on : and i go back and forth being happy for him : and being absolutely miserable that i cant have him anymore : IT SHOULD BE ME IN HIS BED : IT SHOULD BE ME HOLDING HIS HAND AND KISSING HIM AND HOLDING HIM : IT SHOULD BE ME HE CALLS PARTNER : but its not : and im losing him because i cant be happy for him : and im tired of distracting myself : and going out looking for love : im ready to move on : im ready for this pain to go away : im ready to be my own person and not need him : TAKE AWAY THIS PAIN : I DONT WAIT IT : I DONT NEED IT : I WANT HIS FRIENDSHIP : AND NOTHING MORE : I'm lost. : hi : Love sucks : i can't stop crying : anyone else in here
    Apples228 has just logged in : hi : they seriously should have pills for people with heartbreak : i cried whole afternoon : feels better, like its numbs u for little bit after, u dnt feel the pain, so keep on crying, let it all ou : hi : anybody here : jey : hey : hello? : still in pain. I'm 27 years old and recently said "I love you" for the first time ever to a girl. : she said she loves me in a different way. and has since ignored me] : I know she still feels something for me. But she's now talking to an ugly : asshole : Margaret, I fucking love you to the ends of the earth!
    JBC15 has just logged in : Heartbreak channel? :) : After sweetness for 3 months, and daily calls and messages just before bed : and first thing in the morning.. : Then suddenly, it all comes crumbling.. no reason given.. : she suddenly turned cold. with curt short answers, and a tone that says 'you annoy me' : :( a kick to the heart, thats what it was.. what hurts the most is not knowing : what happened or what my position is now... : hello
    dulleyes : hi