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    armaster999 : Anyone want to set up a pokemon fan club here in b'ham?
    ataricore : hello
    malal99 : hi
    malal99 : yes : hi : hello
    albania3 has just logged out : hey
    sparky1117 has just logged in
    sparky1117 : hi all
    sparky1117 has just logged out
    coolbreeze26 : hi
    Taimur456 : hi
    m50foraffair : hi
    temptedtina : is this birmingham england or birmingham alabam
    cutecandyboytosuck : hi women of ALL AGES, see my username and pics, read my note, IM me for RolePlay
    quoin01 has just logged out
    sara777salehi : hi
    zedmax : hi
    zedmax : how are you all and who is available
    zedmax has just logged in
    zedmax has just logged in
    zedmax : hey sara
    zedmax has just logged in
    boyxxx12345 has just logged out
    Teenageboy17 : hi
    Noctis94 : hey
    Noctis94 : hellooooo
    Katerious has just logged in : brummies
    mistaluvva : I used to live in Brum
    mistaluvva has just logged out
    jaffa72jaffa : hi
    Kimko00 : hi
    BodyBags00 has just logged out
    imjungshook has just logged in
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Tom3001 : Hello There
    Slavish : Hi
    maxine09xx : Looking to play im interested all kind of play like roleplay im free to play hit me up on kik message me fuck me hard core hit me up kik me now @ maxine09xx
    Jackstraw22 : Is this the Birmingham in UK?