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Log In : hey mahi here : hello : its been 2 months and we still havent said " i love you" : Hi! I need some help : need some advice
    lisaemc2 : Hi
    lisaemc2 : 166 What do you need?
    lisaemc2 : Apparently, this site isnt up for the task : hello : Hey :) was wondering if u could give me ur opinion on this little situation and tell me what u think i should do. So me and this guy have been fuck buddies for like 9 months 9 : hi : i have a question i need advice about. if my gf meet a guy that likes her. he helped her out with some issue and she feels he is a nice guys. and she feels it is no : heloooo : .. : Anyone here tht can offer an opinion on dating?
    Dreamtasy : hmm... : this guy likes me but whenever we hang out he has never tried touching or making a move, y? : hey
    neatMango3122 : hey is anyone in here? : hello? : is anyone hear? I need some advice : i have been married for 7 years. : my husband and I have never been in a fight (seriously) and now apperently we are not talking : both him and i were not being very nice to each other. he then didn't eat dinner with our family : which upset me more : we slept in different rooms and we are still not talking. : i have thought about writing/talking to him, but whenever i talk to him he just says : yeah im sorry your right.... : then he just does it again..... : i don't know what to do.... : well i am going to one is in this room anyways and i have to go clean.... : the story of my life.... : im just tired.... : i am alone : even when im not : hi : is anyone else here? : I guess not
    MMR82 : Anyone hanging around?
    MMR82 : o.O : This girl offered me her number a while back so I accepted. It turns out I really like this girl, but she's cancelled on me several times. I feel like an inconvenience to her. I : I need advice about a relationship : i need an opinion on if this guy seems like he likes me : hello : hey : i need advice
    MissGoldieLocks has just logged in
    MissGoldieLocks : anyone here?
    Jaymack64 : Lisaemc2
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -