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Log In : i would like to learn Italian : ciao : me too : ho parlo un poco : Ciao : Ciao : Anybody alive? : Ciao : Ciao : Im from california! Ciao : ciao : nessuno qui? : ciao : ciao : hello : Ciao
    emmameow has just logged in
    emmameow has just logged out
    MaxxG has just logged out : ciao : hello : i'm trying to learn itlalian : Buonasera! : mj74 : ciao a tuttiii : ciao come stai? : ciao : come sta : ciao ragazzi : io voglio imparare italiano! : aiudo! : Ciao : Hi, I'm italian. If you'll help me practicing english I would help you studying italian : hey, italian guest, are you still there? : I need help with my italian, I'm willing to help anyone with their english : Hi, I need help learning italian, I am willing to help anyone with their english in return
    MaxxG : hi..this chat reminds me of 90's chat rooms...anyways..learning italian ..i can teach english or spanish
    MaxxG has just logged out : Ciao a tutti! Sono da solo qui?