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    nicolette640 : what's your time zone? if you mind telling lol
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    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 : 12/10/2024 11:11 pm
    nicolette640 : i've just realized that there isnt anyone on here so i can basically say anything right now
    nicolette640 : im fwb with the guy i like, but he doesn't know i like him.
    nicolette640 : and he likes another girl and im helping talk to that girl
    nicolette640 : and it just hurts yk? because he's my bestfriend and i want him to be happy
    nicolette640 : but i want him to be happy with me
    nicolette640 : he liked my other bsf and i helped get with her too but they ended things
    nicolette640 : and i was happy because it meant i had a chance, does that make me a bad person?
    nicolette640 : anyways we talk every day and i feel myself fall in love just a bit more each day
    nicolette640 : idk what im doing anymore
    nicolette640 : ughhh
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    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 : 12/11/2024 6:50 am
    nicolette640 : school sucks '
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    nicolette640 : 12/12/2024 8:06 PM
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    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    butterflyana224 has just logged in
    butterflyana224 : oh my god hi sorry i didnt log in for ages i lost hope
    butterflyana224 : that this with your bestfriend sound so complicated oml
    butterflyana224 : i also hateeee school as well but thankful im on holidays
    butterflyana224 : idk why we dont just talk on tumblr now that weve added each otherrr
    butterflyana224 : im gonna start confessing too while im here
    butterflyana224 : im in love with jeff buckley
    butterflyana224 : hes so perfect
    butterflyana224 : anyways in the hopes that you log back in
    butterflyana224 : how old are you and where are you from
    butterflyana224 : on second thoughts maybe text me on tumblr bc their could b creeps on here
    butterflyana224 : anyway this chat is so fun but im logging off now :)
    butterflyana224 : oh btw its 12/17/24 2:19PM
    nicolette640 has just logged in
    nicolette640 : ughh omg answering about an hour late :(
    nicolette640 : omg i totally forgot we could text on tumblr
    nicolette640 : i will mssg you on tumblr
    nicolette640 : also 12/17/24 3:31 PM
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    ihrtbutterflyz has just logged in
    butterflyana224 has just logged in
    butterflyana224 : heyyy its 1/31/2025 2:09PM