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Log In : if he said he loved you first how can he say you made it too serious : . : It’s been about five months since I broke up with the guy I was dating but I keep catching myself replaying some of our memories in my head. I want to be free of him, but : hello : wheres everyone??? : hey
    reighann : hi
    reighann : its been a week for me since my break up
    reighann : he lied and then made me feel like it was my fault
    reighann has just logged out : nhiya : i was with my partner for 3 years and weve been apart for nearly 2 now. im still not over him : i still cry every night over him : he still phones me and texts me : but we just dont see eachother anymore
    CharrAnneSmith has just logged in
    CharrAnneSmith : anyone there???? : anyone here : t : He was the only real friend at my school he broke my heart and I have no one. I cant breath : when i see him : I just wish I didnt date him
    Ram8o : how long were you together
    Ram8o : i guess im all alone here
    Ram8o : my gf left me this morning
    Ram8o : we were together 4 years
    Ram8o : she was my first kiss, my first and only true love,and my first intimate relationship.
    Ram8o : i dont know where i went wrong
    Ram8o : she was my soul mate and i wanted to ask her to marry me
    Ram8o : i miss her
    Ram8o : i dont know what im supposed to do
    DanVee28 has just logged in
    DanVee28 : anyone still online ?
    DanVee28 has just logged out : Hi I'm dealing with a break up I need help : yes : uo : YOu need help? : hey all : hi all : im very depress right now : and I dont know how to cope with this feeling : i feel used and abused and left with nothing : hi
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -