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    alexisbeast : hello?
    alexisbeast has just logged out
    MomOf3BoysNJ : hello
    rctt1 : if anyone wants to chat im me please! thanks : )
    photocrazy1956 : a great idea. im so tired of small minded people being rude.
    bordercity : hello : hello?
    brookrunning : Hello room
    420kings : here to talk shit you faggots
    420kings : tired of retards? dealing with yourself too much faggot
    hardbodyforsoftwomen : hi girls want role play ? although my hot pics are in private
    Byrd33 : Hello All
    Byrd33 : 420king,,,werent you just in suicde chat ,,running your mouth
    Byrd33 : sounds like someone needs to stick a fist in your mouth.
    biggirl007 : hello ?
    SarahDaresYa : i bet ur all tards
    bluebells0 : hello
    bluebells0 has just logged in
    Hairwasher : hi
    harrild0 : u sure got more ppl then my math chatrooom
    harrild0 : wats up? i thought ur a winne
    harrild0 : winner
    harrild0 : i tried but i guess im tarded
    247pants has just logged in
    Mike8876ind : HI this old man is tarded and drunk! good day all
    scooter108 : 1Badapple steels men pictures makes new nick to pm teen kids
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    BodyBags0 has just logged in
    BodyBags0 has just logged out