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    spawn6 : woof woof
    midnightwerewolf : hello?
    wolfgirl20 has just logged in
    wolfgirl20 : hi : heeeyyy : search for Ahki wolf friends.
    spawn6 : hi guys
    misty23 : any shape shifters here
    misty23 : i need help : hi
    spawn6 : hey
    Rex6555 : hi friends
    spawn6 : hi
    Rex6555 : how u doin madam wolf
    spawn6 : pretty good thanks, how are you?
    Rex6555 : great , but i guess ur not awolf
    spawn6 : what?
    Rex6555 : i guess u r so smart not like that wolf
    spawn6 : what are you talking about?
    Rex6555 : spawn6 any restrictions on this room
    spawn6 : no
    Rex6555 : i wana talk to sweet human like u not wolf pls
    Rex6555 : wolf , what u doin for living
    spawn6 : for one im married, two i am still human, three what the heck?
    Rex6555 : im glad to talk to u, are u happy with ur hubby
    spawn6 : Ehh well normally apart from playing games i walk a dog for someone but thats stopped for a while now
    spawn6 : That is a compeletely inappropriate question.
    Rex6555 : not ashame i believe
    Rex6555 : then forgive my words pls
    spawn6 : okay
    spawn6 : hi svern
    Rex6555 : are u bi , str8 or gay
    spawn6 : Straight
    Rex6555 : so good, can i ask about how u entertain urself
    chathour : Rex6555 has been banned from this chat room.
    spawn6 : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me. :  ,
    DariusxMoonstone : hello?
    anakozee has just logged in
    anakozee : hi
    anakozee has just logged out
    spawn6 : hi
    spawn6 has just logged in
    spawn6 : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me.
    spawn6 has just logged in
    spawn6 : I am hosting friendly chat. Click the MENU button above and select my chat room to join me.