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Log In : hello : is anyone here ?? : seems like no one is here : hello : I guess there is a lot of missed connections here : 4/24 @ 244am was here : You should just name this the lonely chat room : hello : Anyone home? : hello : 25 : anyone on this : ff
    kakaaay : hi : hello : hey : i need help on a java program : I need help too. : hi?
    Collegekid24 : whatsup who can actually help with java
    nishrestha : hi guys : hi
    SOFTREAL : hello room, any body here who can help me with facial recognation software : hello
    CutieCkuripotz : anyone online? pm me
    coDerus : Hello. Guys. Can anyone help me with a problem
    coDerus : I am stuck with a painful null pointer exception which just wasted my whole day
    coDerus : Anybody there? : hello : Hey : Can someone please help me out
    moon8833 has just logged in
    moon8833 has just logged in
    moon8833 has just logged out
    Neebo99 : Hey everyone
    Neebo99 : Could someone help me with some Java problems? : hello : ? : I have java problems and am looking for help : hi : i have some issues with my codes , anybody can help ?
    Jozo007 : anybody can help me with python? : i really need a help :C : hello : hey : hi : I need help with resolving null pointer exception in JSP? : hello ??
    boscojfelix : I want to develop an hotspot billing application in java. I dont know where to start.