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    Zer0Byte : prueba 91
    Zer0Byte : !define test
    BART3ND3R has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : �� Im ready.. Type !help for options ��
    Zer0Byte : !define hola
    BART3ND3R : hola: Similar to hey! or hi! - Popular and [Informal] greeting used among young people in spanish
    BART3ND3R : language and travelled people as a [trendy] greeting. Used either with friends or [unkown] people.
    Zer0Byte : hola 123
    Zer0Byte : hola 456
    Zer0Byte : hola 789
    Zer0Byte : !define hola
    BART3ND3R : @Zer0Byte I already Said that before.
    BART3ND3R has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : �� Im ready.. Type !help for options ��
    Zer0Byte : hola 90
    Zer0Byte : !define fundillo
    BART3ND3R : fundillo: In Mexico and parts of central America, this word is used to describe the booty. Some say
    BART3ND3R : ass, behind, butt, gluteus maximums or big cheeks. In Spanish el [fundillo] es unas [nalgas], culo,
    BART3ND3R : [pompis], or cola.
    BART3ND3R has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : �� Im ready.. Type !help for options ��
    Zer0Byte : hola 30
    Zer0Byte : hola 50
    Zer0Byte : hola 90
    Zer0Byte : !define fundillo
    Zer0Byte : hola esto es una prueba
    Zer0Byte : de la cual estoy probando
    BART3ND3R has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : �� Im ready.. Type !help for options ��
    Zer0Byte : !define 3
    BART3ND3R : 3: that [number] [Gabe] can't [count] to.
    Zer0Byte : Prueba 123
    Zer0Byte : Prueba 456
    Zer0Byte : !define test
    BART3ND3R has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : �� Im ready.. Type !help for options ��
    Zer0Byte : hola prueba
    Zer0Byte : de la cual probare
    Zer0Byte : !define 33
    BART3ND3R : 33: The [percentage] of [sexually active] [highschoolers] who will have intercourse with more than
    BART3ND3R : 4 people before gradcuation- often used as a replacement for the words slut, hoe, whore etc.
    Zer0Byte : hola
    Zer0Byte : !define prueba
    BART3ND3R : Mhmmm..@Zer0Byte Nothing found..
    Zer0Byte : !define 44
    BART3ND3R : 44: .[44 Magnum] [firearm].
    Zer0Byte : hola
    Zer0Byte : hola2
    Zer0Byte : !define test
    Adventures27 : Ok