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    heatherk88 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : heatherk88 hi , how are you?
    MaxWolf3900 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : OMG! look who is here , it is MaxWolf3900
    adamite has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : adamite hi , how are you?
    Pretttyfairykf has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : OMG! look who is here , it is Pretttyfairykf
    adamite has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : OMG! look who is here , it is adamite
    heatherk88 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : Welcome heatherk88
    dadius : not tonight...maybe tomorrow Debbie
    jjustin32 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : hey , jjustin32 Welcome to this room
    Debbie1999 has just logged out
    suzannertes has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : Hi suzannertes what u wanna drink today?
    Holydiverdio75 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : hey , Holydiverdio75 Welcome to this room
    Holydiverdio75 : well thanks for the
    Holydiverdio75 : pinky
    Holydiverdio75 : invertation
    heatherk88 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : heatherk88 hi , how are you?
    gatrucker has just logged out
    MrThaksin666 has just logged out
    heatherk88 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : �� Im ready.. Type !help for options ��
    heatherk88 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : Welcome heatherk88
    eoinkavanagh has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : eoinkavanagh hi , how are you?
    Grimmjowjagerjack : Yo
    Debbie1999 has just logged out
    AuroraRevenge has just logged out
    NiceEdward : Hi Bartender
    sexywifeflorida has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : sexywifeflorida hi , how are you?
    dadius : Debbie at this point idk what u want me to do sweetheart....I cant talk on the phone at night .......
    NVMUCE has just logged out
    michdimes : Good morning
    MrThaksin666 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : MrThaksin666 hi , how are you?
    Debbie1999 has just logged out
    Stcylve : In case you are roleplaying with Stacy0680, they are a 54 year old man. He has a porn/chat addiction that he chooses over life, respect for himself and his wife and marriage. He has no children living at home and does not live in Arizona. Is not a bank ex
    Holydiverdio75 has just logged in
    BART3ND3R : Hi Holydiverdio75 what u wanna drink today?
    Holydiverdio75 : a coke